Rules & Regulations

Please read and keep a copy for your future reference of our rules and regulations for everyones comfort and safety. 


Smoke alarms are not to be tampered with in any way, they are installed for your safety and the safety of all tenants in the building. All smoke alarms are tested and checked by our management team and recorded upon each test session as per Queensland legislation and laws. If a smoke alarm has been tampered with in any way it will be considered a serious breach of your lease agreement and the law and will be actioned as such. 

Other than the gas stove top you are not allowed to have any open flame of any type inside the buildings.  

Everyone reserves the right to peace and quiet, it is a regulation of all our properties that no excessive noise be made after 9PM Sunday to Thursday and 10PM on Friday and Saturday. No excessive noise before 7AM on any day.  

The tenant shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that all his/her invitees do not behave in a manor likely to interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of the other tenants or any person lawfully using any common area of the property.  
The tenant shall be liable for any damage or disturbance caused but invitees to any common area or privately tenanted unit.  

It is the responsibility of the tenant to report any breakages, damage or accidents of anykind to the unit and its fittings of common areas, within a reasonable timeframe, to enable repairs to be performed.  

The toilets, sink and conveniences including all water apperatis and waste pipes shall not be used for any other purpose other than for which they have been constructed. No floor sweepings or rubbish or unsuitable substances shall be deposited down these recepticals. Blockage and damage to any drains by any tenants and their guests will be the responsibility of the tenant.  

Not all units have been allocated parking, if you have then your car must be parked only in that space and not anywhere else. If you have an allocated parking space please keep it clean and free of oil spills and rubbish. No major vehicle repairs or restorations are to be done in your car space. Do not park in someone elses car space or allow your guests to park in someone elses car space. If your vehicle or registration changes please inform the property manager as soon as possible to avoid your new vehicle being seen as unwelcome.  
Any vehicle parked over a pathway or deemed not belonging to the tenants will be towed as this is considered a safety issue. 

It is the responsibility of the tenant to keep the unit in a good state of repair wich includes cleaning the dust from the ceiling fans, exhaust fans and smoke alarms, report any issues or damage as soon as possible to the property manager, ensure that the oven and stove top is cleaned regularly to prevent corrosion and damage, any blown light bulbs are changed at the tenants expense, window tracks and showers are kept free from dust and mould. 

Please use the bins provided correctly as per Brisbane City Council laws. Ensure that the recycle bins are not used for general waste and large items are not forced into the bins. All large items like furniture or large boxes must be removed from the premises by the tenant as we do not have the facilities to handle large items. 
Please do not pour fats or oils into the drains as this will create blockages and will incur a clearing cost to the tenants responsible. 

We are a pet friendly community and will remain that way if everyone takes responsibility for their pets by picking up the pets waste, keeping them quiet during the quiet times, not leaving them tied up or unattended outside. Pets are also to be approved by management before being allowed on site and must also be included in the lease.  

We have communal or BBQ areas on some of our properties and they are there for all to enjoy. If you wish you can book that area for your personal use by contacting management 48hrs before the time you require. Management will then issue a notice that you have the right to use that area for the allocated time and that the cleaning will also be done after you have finished. If you use the communal areas then you are responsible for keeping it clean and free of rubbish ready for the next person that wants to use it.  

Shopping trolleys or carts from the local shopping centres are not to be kept on the premises at any time. It is forbidden to remove these from the shopping centre and may incur a fine. Tenants using these shopping trolleys or leaving them on the footpath outside of the properties are in breach of the community bylaws.

Under no circumstances are you allowed to smoke within the buildings or units at any time. If you must smoke then please do so outside of the building and at least five metres away from any entrance, window or doorway.  


These rules and regulations are in place to keep everyone safe and comfortable. Failure to abide by these regulations will be in breach of the community rules and regulations and can result in the termination of your tenancy. Please consider your neighbours and fellow tenants to enable everyone to enjoy their time here with us.